Sunday, September 25, 2011

the memorial

This image shows the twin towers in New York before they were destroyed. the lighting in the image shows the power that these towers signified. It is almost as if there is light shining down from the heavens onto the towers. The towers reaches towards the sky, almost as if they themselves were striving for a better future and for more power and respect. the American flag that is over the image of the city shows the American spirit. The flag is there, but not entirely covering the image. This could be because on November 11th, the American spirit was somewhat shaken. People got scared and temporarily lost faith. However, the phrase on the bottom, "Septeber 11th, we will never forget", showshow Americans have risen above what happened and are learning to become stronger because of such a terrile event.

1 comment:

  1. Alex:
    Fine image. Next step--look for contemporary controversy? Also, in this analysis, begin with the statement of the purpose. Is it, here, to somehow express mourning for the end of an innocent era? (Please post the actual images as well.)

    Mr. Heller
