Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dirty Harry Meets Dirtier Edgar

Dirty Harry meets Dirtier Edgar
Maureen Dowd used Clint Eastwood's new movie to essentially address gay pride and freedom. she shows how the definition of gay has changed. she wrote “For a much older generation, gay is the act of having sex with someone of the same gender. But the post-sexual-revolution, post-Stonewall generation defines gay or lesbian as someone’s nature. Who they are attracted to, who they connect with. It’s something much deeper than just a sexual act. And when you define it like that, Hoover is a gay man.”. she essentially helps redefine "gay". in addition, she addresses the movie's plot line about gay FBI agents ans that whole scandal. not to mention that Adlai Stevenson was mentioned in the article as one of the men Hoover had tried to say was gay. she also found lots of information from the screenwriter concerning what it was like to be gay at different time periods.

1 comment:

  1. Alex:
    Maureen Dowd looks like an interesting columnist, covering topics ranging from popular culture to world events. Solid job here, especially as you analyze her rhetoric.


    Mr. Heller
