Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dowd's view

Throughout Maureen Dowd's pieces, she discusses the idea that things are not always as they may seem. She uses the piece about Newt Gingrich to explain how there is more to him than most people see from his campaign and news coverage. She gives him a more human feeling persona, instead of just a politician. Dowd also writes about how silence is golden, but silence has changed. Due to all the technological advances being made in today's society, we never really get the chance to experience true silence anymore. We may think we are in silence, but it's only quiet compared to what used to be silence. Furthermore, Dowd describes how the term gay has been redefined in today's society. Being gay used to merely be a sexual preference, but now it seems to define an entire person. Nothing is actually what it seems. The world is a vastly different place than how it appears.

1 comment:

  1. Alex,
    As you continue to monitor Dowd's views on our society (or any columnist), more closely examine the rhetoric by citing the text and noting key features or strategies. Would you consider Dowd a more liberal voice?


    Mr. Heller
